Course Content
Understanding Time Management
This module serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of time management. Participants will gain a clear understanding of what time management is, why it is crucial, and the potential consequences of poor time management.
Setting clear goals
Setting clear goals is essential for personal and professional growth. In this module, you'll learn why goal setting matters, how to create SMART goals, and the distinction between long-term and short-term goals.
Prioritizing Tasks
Prioritizing tasks is the practice of organizing your to-do list based on their importance and urgency. This crucial skill ensures that you tackle the most critical items first, maximizing your productivity and achieving your goals efficiently.
Creating a daily schedule
The "Creating a Daily Schedule" module focuses on the practical aspects of time management. In this module, we will explore essential techniques for structuring your day effectively. By learning about time blocking, creating to-do lists, and allocating time for specific tasks, you will gain valuable skills to enhance your productivity and organization
Time Management Tools and Techniques
Time management apps and tools are digital solutions that aid in task organization, priority setting, and optimizing time. They offer features like scheduling, goal tracking, and productivity analysis to enhance efficiency and goal achievement. This module introduces these tools and how to use them effectively for improved time management.
Managing Stress and Burnout
Stress and burnout are common challenges in our fast-paced, demanding world. This module explores strategies for managing stress effectively and preventing burnout. By understanding the causes and symptoms of stress and adopting proven coping techniques, you can maintain your well-being and thrive in both personal and professional life.
Course reflection and Assessment
Objective: To reflect on the learning journey throughout the course, assess knowledge retention, and apply time management skills to a final assignment.
A Basic Time Management Course
About Lesson

Recognizing signs of stress involves identifying physical, emotional, and behavioral indicators that can include:

  • Physical Signs: Fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, and changes in sleep patterns or appetite.
  • Emotional Signs: Irritability, anxiety, mood swings, or feelings of overwhelm.
  • Behavioral Signs: Procrastination, withdrawal from social activities, increased consumption of alcohol or tobacco, and difficulty concentrating.

Understanding these signs can help you and others address stress effectively and seek appropriate support when needed.

Acute Stress vs Chronic Stress :

Acute stress is short-term, triggered by specific events, and resolves quickly.

Chronic stress is long-term, resulting from ongoing stressors, and can have lasting effects on health.


Scenario 1: Chris is a college student juggling multiple responsibilities, including coursework, part-time work, extracurricular activities, and family obligations. He’s feeling overwhelmed and constantly busy.

Analysis: Is Chris experiencing acute or chronic stress? How do his many responsibilities contribute to his stress levels?


Scenario 2 : Maria has a final exam in two days, and she is feeling stressed about it. She’s worried about her performance and has been studying intensely for the past few days.

Analysis: Is Maria experiencing acute or chronic stress? What are the characteristics of her stress in this scenario?



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